Imagify Wordpress

Imagify, a powerful tool to properly compress your images. Simple to use, effective and fast: in short, a very good tool to use everyday. Start compressing your images. Imagify is the most advanced tool to optimize images. You can now use this power directly in WordPress. After enabling it, all your images including thumbnails will be automatically optimized when uploaded into WordPress. You can also use Imagify to convert WebP images for free. WooCommerce and NextGen Gallery compatible. What is Image Compression? Imagify is one of the most powerful and advanced image optimizers for WordPress available on the internet. It lets you compress images using 3 different compression methods varying from the degree of image size optimization and quality change. How to Optimize Theme Images from WordPress Plugin; On How Many Sites can I use Imagify; How to Switch from Card to PayPal (vice versa) I bought a Plan but it’s not Showing on my Website; How to Add VAT Number.

  1. Imagify Wordpress Theme
  2. Imagify Extension Wordpress
  3. Imagify Webp
  4. Imagify Wordpress Plugin
  5. Imagify Wordpress Review

Frequently Asked Questions

Imagify Wordpress Theme

  • Is registration free?

    Yes and no credit card is required.

  • Do you offer a trial version?

    No. However, you get 20MB of quota per month for free.

  • Which plan should I choose?

    Mac os 10.8 download free. It would be best to check the size of your Media Library.
    Based on this, you can see what plan might suit your needs best. Still not sure? No worries, get in touch with us and we will recommend you the best plan.

  • Is it possible to upgrade or downgrade my subscription?

    Yes, you can change to a higher or lower level at any time, with a prorated payment. When you change subscription the new quota applies immediately.

  • What is the quota of the free account?

    Free accounts have 20MB per month.

  • What will happen if I exceed my quota?

    With a free account, once your quota is reached, you cannot optimize new images until its renewal.
    With a paid account, you will be charged according to additional GB pricing of your subscription.
    In case you opted for an Infinite plan, you can optimize as many images as you want (fair use policy).

  • Is it possible to unsubscribe?

    Yes of course at any time. Shoot us an email and we'll take care of it for you.

  • How many websites can I optimize with Imagify?

    You can use Imagify on as many websites as you wish. Your quota will be shared evenly across all of the websites. If you need more control over how your Imagify subscription is used, you should create sub-accounts to allocate a quota for each.

Imagify was setup using the steps below for both the 2016 Speed Study, as well as the 2017 version.

How to Setup Imagify – Step by Step

Install Imagify

Step 1: Go to the Add New Plugins page of WordPress. Type “Imagify” into the Search box and click enter.

Step 2: To start installing the Imagify Image Optimizer plugin, click Install Now.

Create an Imagify Account

Step 4: With Imagify now installed, let’s create an account. Click “Sign up, it’s Free”.


Step 5: Enter your email address and click Sign Up. Best productivity tools mac.


Step 6: Looks like our account is now setup. Let’s click OK

Enter Imagify API Key

Step 7: Then click “I have my API key”

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Step 8: And enter your API key from the email you received from Imagify and click Connect Me. Note: While your in the email, click the link to confirm your email address. This will help when it comes time to perform the image optimizing later on.

Imagify Extension Wordpress

Step 9: Good stuff, our API is valid. Click OK

Step 10: Now we’re getting somewhere, lets get onto the optimizing. Click Go to Settings

Imagify Settings

Step 11: These are the default Imagify Settings, which we will stay with for the purposes of this study. If you are setting Imagify up on your own site, it is recommended to uncheck any WordPress image sizes that you don’t use. This will ensure you get the most out of the quota within the free account.

Imagify Webp


Step 12: After completing the top half of the Settings, lets move down to the bottom of the screen and click “Save & Go to Bulk Optimizer”. Note: You can also find the Imagify Bulk Optimizer in the WordPress Navigation under Media and Bulk Optimization.

Step 13: Okay, it’s time to fire up the Bulk Optimizer. We will use the Aggressive Compression Level and get the ball rolling by clicking “Imagif’em all”

Imagify Wordpress Plugin

The Outcome: We have 4 images on the homepage that have now been optimized. The combined file size has dropped from 2.9Mb to 1.1Mb!

Imagify Wordpress Review


If you have any questions about this tutorial on How to Setup Imagify, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I will try my best to answer them 🙂

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