Winamp Fade Into Next Song

  1. Winamp Fade Into Next Song Mp3
Hi dafatman,
Winamp already supports this. Use the fading options of the DirectSound output plugin to enable and set a custom length for the fade on the 'pause/stop' option. I have it set to 3.5 seconds (3500) on my system so that when I pause, stop or change to another song the current song keeps playing for the 3.5 seconds.
Winamp also supports gap-less playback where the next song starts at the end of the current song with no silence between them instead of overlap (cross-fading) of the songs. To set this up, disable the DirectSound output plugin fading options and use it's silence remover option on the 'Other' tab. It may also be helpful to disable this plugin's volume control options which are also on the 'Other' tab.
Or if you have songs that begin and/or end with silence or a very low volume level and you want to cross-fade them with no silence, use the silence remover and the fading options.
Play around with these options and I'm sure you can get the playback response you want.
Im having bit of an issue that i need to solve
I have 'starting soon' scene which i use before i start streaming, It has a music source playing in the background
When i decide to begin the stream i select the new scen, then its displayed after a stinger transition
The only problem im having it that once im already on the new scene, the music is still playing from the 'previous scene for an additional second, then just cuts out
Is there a more seamless way of some how fading the audio when the stinger transition is triggered?

Winamp Fade Into Next Song Mp3

Suppose you don't wanna listen to the entire song and wanna jump to the next song in the middle of the currently playing song WITH crossfade, OR if someone at the party double clicks on some other song on the playlist and instead of crossfading into it, the player just goes into the song that was double-clicked (SUCKS!!!!). The audio is playing as a media source in the 1st scene and the stinger is set to 'fade out to transition point then fade in', i tried crossfade as well but doesn't seem to work. The audio from the mp3 continues to play into the 2nd scene for an additional second or two then just cuts out. Torrent man. Open iTunes and go to ‘Preferences’ Click the ‘Playback’ tab icon Select the checkbox next to “Crossfade Songs”, it needs to be checked of course Adjust crossfading between songs as desired by dragging the slider, I have mine set to 5 seconds, the longer the time is set the more cross-fading in and out of songs. 3rd is the end of the song should be analysed for cold finish or fade finish. Fade finish would start the next song a few seconds from the end; a cold finish would start the song right at the end. 4th is the way vdj start the next song; the movement of the fader from one side to the other always results in some of the new song missing. Classic post box.

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